“SOS Brutalismus” / Architekturzentrum Wien

Geliebt oder gehasst: Die wiederentdeckte brutalistische Architektur.

03.05. – 06.08.2018; Wien.
Save the Concrete Monsters!

Are they really that ugly? “Basically, the history of Brutalism is one big misunderstanding.”, says Sonja Pisarik, one of the curators of the exhibition which was inspired by the online initiative #SOSBrutalism. Between 1953 and 1979, concrete buildings were raised on all continents, often going hand in hand with the establishment of the welfare state. Mostly following the democratic approach by enabling social exchange across class boundaries. Only a few decades later, the “monsters” were vilified in many places as architectural eyesores and left to decay or demolished. The AzW invites us to reevaluate Brutalism.

“SOS Brutalism – Save the Concrete Monsters!”
03.05. – 06.08.2018
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien
Architektrurzentrum Wien