19.09. – 23.09.2018; Lech am Arlberg.
Hell is other people! Cultures of Unbearability.
Ever since Jean-Paul Sartre voiced his existential interpretation of hell one thing has become clear: It is people themselves who make their own life and that of others hell. After their talks lecturers challenge and discuss theories about “Hölle – Kulturen des Unerträglichen.” (Hell – Cultures of Unbearability) with experts, philosophers and the audience. How did an outdated theological concept turn into the epitome of unbearable human conditions? How does the term hell influence present-day cultures and their actions? Different cultural ways of explaining the unbearable are explored.
Philosophicum Lech 2018
19.09. – 23.09.2018
Neue Kirche
6764 Lech am Arlberg