“Viennale”– internationales filmfestival / Wien 2018

18.10. – 08.11.2018; Wien.
Viennale, Vienna International Film Festival is, and remains, more than cinema.


Vienna’s iconic Film Festival is getting a new director: Eva Sangiorgi, a renowned Italian, who is well-known in the international festival business. Viennale festival presents a Best Of selection of this year’s films at a high aesthetic and political standard. The combination of works created by well-known filmmakers and newcomers from the whole world often manages to surprise even the international event organisers themselves. Sangiorgi shifts the festival’s focus towards creating more space for discourse and conversation and mobilising young people. She also wants to show some unknown filmmakers.


Viennale – Vienna International Film Festival 2018
18.10. – 08.11. 2018
Various locations