“You will hear from us!” / The New Austrian Sound of Music

Das Duo Siedl/Cao verpackt Traditionelles neu: Zither, Klarinette und Klavier treffen auf forschende kompositorische Formen. (EN) The duo Siedl/Cao modernizes tradition: the zither, clarinette, and piano meet in exploratory compositional forms.

Ensembles 2018/2019.
“The New Austrian Sounds of Music” presents Austrian music ensembles that give one high hopes for the future.

One hears only good things from Austria. At least if you listen exclusively to the art-sponsorship programme “The New Austrian Sound of Music”, which offers young Austrian music ensembles the chance to present themselves worldwide in a biennial rhythm.

The project was the result of a collaboration between the Music Information Center Austria (MICA) and the Cultural Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The MICA is a non-profit organization that supports and advises musicians living in Austria in their careers in a wide variety of areas: from legal questions to offers for self-marketing training to advice on founding a label. Motto: help for self-help.

In cooperation with the Cultural Department for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which annually initiates and organizes cultural events with its cultural forums and network partners in about 100 countries worldwide, a highly efficient career platform for young Austrian musicians has emerged as part of the programme “The New Austrian Sound of Music” Over the past 15 years, it has accompanied hundreds of Austrian ensembles and musicians in their first steps on the path to an international career.

Ensembles from the genres Pop, Jazz, World Music, New Music and Classical Music will be included in the sponsorship programme for a period of 2 years and will be invited to participate in performances worldwide. The current programme includes ensembles such as the Electropop duo Leyya, comprising Marco Kleebauer, Sophie Lindinger, and David and Tobias Wöhrer, a young band that was showered with praise for their album “Spanish Disco”.

The Tyrolean jazz ensemble HI5 moves outside the boundaries of all Jazz traditions. The tonally reduced, restrained sound of Chris Norz, Phillipp Ossana, Matthias Legner, and Clemens Rofner can simply not be classified and, not least of all, it achieves an immense impact because of it. That music is often better suited to dialogue between cultures than language is made clear by the duo Turumtay Zaric, in whose pieces the musical roots of their origins merge in an impulsive-exuberant way. The sponsorship programme “The New Austrian Sound of Music” makes one thing very clear: an inspiring dialogue between cultures is possible – if they listen to each other well.

The New Austrian Sound of Musics
Ensembles 2018/2019

FIRST GIG NEVER HAPPENED | www.firstgigneverhappened.tk
HI5 | www.hi5music.at
MONTH OF SUNDAYS | www.monthofsundays.at
SIFONIA DE CARNAVAL | www.anna-lang-cello-piano.at
WOODY BLACK 4 | www.woodyblack4.com

ALPINE DWELLER | www.alpinedweller.com
DIE WANDERVÖGEL | www.diewandervoegel.at
GOLNAR & MAHAN | www.golnarandmahan.com
KUSIMANTEN | www.kusimanten.jimdo.com
TURUMATY ZARIC | www.medienmanufaktur.com

AIRBORNE EXTENDED | medienmanufaktur.com
DOU SIEDL CAO | www.siedlcao.com
KEVIN FAIRBAIRN | www.kbcfair.com
NIMIKRY | www.nimikry.com
VIER HALBIERT | www.sofiethorsbrodan.com

HEARTS HEARTS | www.heartshearts.net
KOENIG | www.laubrecords.com
LEYYA | www.leyya-music.com
LUKAS LAUERMANN | www.tumblr.com
SOIA | www.soia.at

KARNER UND WAGNER | www.hellostage.com
PARCIFIC QUARTET VIENNA | www.pacificquartet.com
STRATOS QUARTETT | www.stratosquartett.at
TRIO IMMERSIO | www.trioimmersio.com
VIVID CONSORT | www.vividconsort.com
