22.05.2019 – 24.05.2019; Salzburg.
The myth of the alps: What better way to capture it than with films, discussions and music? The creativeALPS event series cleans up stereotypical ideas of the alps.
In cooperation with the Bergfilmfestival and the literature festival Salzburg, the creativeALPS festival welcomes people to reconsider their imagination of the alps. Film, literature and music induce a discourse that approaches regional developments realistically.
The programme is varied. The film “ALPTRAUM, DAS LETZTE ABENTEUER” by Manuel Lobmaier, tells the story of an idyllic idea of a time-out in nature, and the reality that lies beyond the thought. The discussion afterwards will help to seperate desire from reality. The author Leo Tuor reads from “CAVREIN” and in the following discussion with the cultural philosopher Jens Badura the romantically genuine false expectations are released. The musician Maxi Pongratz (Kofelgschroa) performs with Alma and together they readapt musical traditions. Just like that, even a yodel can sound right in the big city, without appearing out of place.
22.05.2019 – 25.05.2019
ARGE Salzburg
ALPTRAUM. DAS LETZTE ABENTEUER by Manuel Lobmaier, film and discussion, 22.05.2019, Studio ARGEkultur Salzburg, afterwards: discussion with regional alpine farmers.
Leo Tuor: CAVREIN. Reading and discussion with cultural philosopher Jens Badura, 23.05.2019, Studio, ARGEkultur Salzburg
Maxi Pongratz (Kofelgschroa) / Alma. Music
24.05.2019, Saal, ARGEkultur Salzburg