“LINZER KUNSTSALON with Design Salon” / Landesgalerie Linz

© Design Lucy.D, 2018

28.09.2019 – 29.09.2019, Linz.
Linz Art Salon turns 20!

Since 1999, the Landesgalerie Linz has opened its doors once a year to galleries and art associations from all over Upper Austria and presents contemporary art in all its impressive diversity. For a weekend you can concentrate on the current development of art in Upper Austria and beyond.

This year’s guest is the class for Experimental Design at the Linz Art University under the new direction of Anna Jermolaewa. The students also present their works in the Young Salon.

Europe’s Designing Women / Design Salon 2019

On behalf of all the powerful creativity of women in Europe, the Design Salon shows 28 positions of female designers from EU member states. Products, brands, companies, cities and services are decisively influenced by the creative power of women. Female designers produce sophisticated, iconic and thought-provoking work of exceptional quality and diversity in a male-dominated industry. Numerous products are conceived, developed and produced by women, not for them. The Design Salon 2019 invites to become aware of the important contribution made by women in the field of design.

Opening: 27.09.2019 | 19.00
Duration of show: 28.09.2019 – 29.09.2019
Landesgalerie Linz
Museumstraße 14
4010 Linz