05.07.2020 until 31.10.2021.
To mark its 20th anniversary, the Frauenmuseum Hittisau is presenting an exhibition on the subject of birth and the culture of birth. The comprehensive event, which affects all people equally, is illuminated in Hittisau in all its facets. Traditional midwifery knowledge is in the focus as well as modern tendencies.
Like death, birth affects everyone without exception. The conditions that accompany pregnancy and birth shape life. Birth culture is the way a society shapes the start of life and the conditions it creates for it. The show was created in cooperation with IG Geburtskultur a-z.
Geburtskultur „Vom gebären und geboren werden“
05.07.2020 until 31.10.2021
Frauenmuseum Hittisau
Platz 501
6952 Hittisau