Stadt sucht Berg / GrazMuseum

(c) Graz Museum, Unbekannte Frau in den Bergen, vor 1914, Österr. Alpenverein, Sektion Graz

01.07. until 17.01.2021.

An exhibition in the Graz Museum illuminates the 150-year history of the Graz section of the Alpine Club. The fact that the longing for the mountains is great, especially for city dwellers, seems to be a basic motivation for joining. When the Graz section of the Alpine Club was founded in 1870, the focus was not only on the experience of nature, but also on community. German nationalist, anti-Semitic and National Socialist ideologies shaped the association’s life until after the Second World War. Only at the end of the 1940s does a development begin in which the sporting aspect becomes increasingly important.

Stadt sucht Berg
01.07. until 17.01.2021
Sackstraße 18
8010 Graz