Wolfgang Wirth „Ornamental Confrontation“ / Museumspavillon im Mirabellgarten, Salzburg

(c) Wolfgang Wirth

08.02. – 10.04.2021.

The Museum Pavilion in the Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg is showing an exhibition of works by Wolfgang Wirth. With large-scale oil paintings, Wolfgang Wirth approaches the representation of power and its timeless medial play. The depiction of power relations often takes place against an ornamental background and is framed by pattern-forming arrangements of flags. In a catalog accompanying the exhibition, Nina Schedlmayr has drawn connections between ornament and political staging. She takes up a thesis by the linguist J. N. Howe, who emphasizes the connection between ornament and political staging that is characteristic of our time. According to Howe, ornaments are often used to reinforce social orders. Ornaments are particularly well suited to affirmations because they are expressions of “nothing” rather than “something.” Ornaments can be instrumentalized and serve as a projection surface.

Wolfgang Wirth
„Ornamental Confrontation“

08.02. – 10.04.2021
Museumspavillon im Mirabellgarten
5020 Salzburg