Heaven can wait / Schlossmuseum Linz

© Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber

25.03. – 03.10.2021.

The relationship between nature and civilization is the focus of an exhibition at the Schlossmuseum in Linz. “Heaven can wait” shows huge, utopian, partly grotesque visions of the future that deal with how this precarious relationship might develop in the future. For this exhibition, the artist collective Steinbrener / Dempf used the extensive collection of animal specimens of the OÖ Landes Kultur GmbH and staged them in large dioramas in the castle museum. At the same time, the nature exhibition one floor above deals with the scientific methods of taxidermy and conservation.

„Heaven can wait“ 
25.03. – 03.10.2021
Schlossmusuem Linz
Schlossberg 1
4020 Linz
