Frühlingskino / Wien

(c) Severin Dostal

19.05. – 27.06.2021.

EIN BISSCHEN BLEIBEN WIR NOCH, DIE DOHNAL, HOCHWALD, WAREN EINMAL REVOLUZZER and QUO VADIS, AIDA – numerous titles nominated for the Austrian Film Award will be shown at Frühlingskino. In cooperation with Diagonale, the Filmarchiv celebrates Austrian film at Augartenspitz and Metro Kinokulturhaus. The Filmarchiv Austria’s Vienna Cinema Garden is also transformed for the first time into a display for current Austrian filmmaking.

The first open-air festival of Austrian film will be complemented by brand-new restorations from the archive’s workshop, including the long-awaited new reconstruction of EKSTASE and the silent road movie MIT DEM MOTORRAD ÜBER DIE WOLKEN, restored in cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum. In addition, on selected evenings the main program will be accompanied by exceptional short film productions, which will be presented for the first time in the open-air cinema in cooperation with Vienna Shorts.

19. Mai bis 27. Juni 2021

Open Air Augarten
im Garten des Filmarchiv Austria
Obere Augartenstraße 1, 1020 Wien

19. Mai bis 10. Juni Filmbeginn 19:30
11. bis 27. Juni Filmbeginn 20:00

METRO Kinokulturhaus
Johannesgasse 4, 1010 Wien

20. Mai bis 27. Juni Filmbeginn 19:30