Gabriel Stoian, Geokhan Erdogan: Coming From Afar / Galerie 5020, Salzburg

(c) Gabriel Stoian, Old man with sweater, 2020

09.07. – 07.08.2021.

Painting meets sculpture in two artistic positions!

People in different situations that can be taken from life – or not: an old man in a sweater, a woman on a couch, as if fainting. Gabriel Stoian’s paintings, kept in somber colors, reflect a reality as it can be. And yet they arise from the artist’s head.

In contrast to this are the sculptures of Geokhan Erdogan. Placed objectively in space: a human head printed on paper, stacked into tall towers.

With these two artists, two artistic positions meet at Galerie 5020 that could not be more different in form. But on closer inspection, the focus is on the human being and above all on the individual artist himself, with his view of the world and his expression, which he gives form to in a work of art.

So it is with all of us: two coming from afar meet and find the common ground in the diversity!

Gabriel Stoian, Geokhan Erdogan: Coming From Afar
09.07. – 07.08.2021
Galerie 5020
Residenzplatz 10
5020 Salzburg