“I am a photo amateur!”: The picture archive of Eugen Hauber 1925–1986 / Museum für Geschichte, Graz

(c) Unknown photographer, Graz, Glacisstraße, Eugen Hauber looks out of a roof hatch, September 1926. Detail. Multimediale Sammlungen/UMJ.

19.11.2021 – 03.04.2022.

The view into the world – curious in search of the picture that tells a story!

The photographic life of Eugen Hauber spans from the amateur – the lover, that is – of photography to the oldest press photographer in Austria.

In the Museum of History, this exhibition uses photographs from six decades to outline the photographic career of Eugen Hauber, who turned his passion into a profession at an advanced age.

The photographs come from a collection of some 17,800 roll film, 35mm, sheet film and glass plate negatives, transparencies and close to 10,000 paper prints acquired by the multimedia in 2019.

“I am a photo amateur!”: The picture archive of Eugen Hauber 1925–1986
19.11.2021 – 03.04.2022
Museum der Geschichte
Sackstraße 16
8010 Graz