Art, Space, City: Eva Schlegel mit 2MVD / CampusVäre Dornbirn

Not really! Augmented Reality Art by Eva Schlegel in Dornbirn, © courtsey to Eva Schlegel /

until 21.8. 2022

Which reality does really exist? Augmented Reality art parcours by Eva Schlegel and 2MVD in Dornbirn.

The media and object artist Eva Schlegel, in collaboration with Valerie Messini and Damjan Minovski from 2MVD and CampusVäre – Creative Institute Vorarlberg in Dornbirn, has implemented an art project that deals with the possibilities of artistic work at the interface between real space and augmented reality.

QR codes distributed in public space in Dornbirn can be used to call up augmented reality works on the smartphone using the free Wikar app, which merge real space with digital works of art in an augmented reality space.

The digital works can be photographed, shared and sent. With this interactive and preoccupation with the concept of space, the artists open a discourse on the relationship between materiality, immateriality, image and language.

Due to the constant changes in the real space through which passers-by move and can stage themselves in it, the question of the authorship and creator of a work is raised anew.

On July 6, the Kunstraum Dornbirn and CampsVäre invite you to a creative lunch with Eva Schlegel, where visitors can discuss the associated issues with her and the works can be explored and worked on together in a playful way. Schlegel with 2MVD

Schlegel mit 2MVD
Dornbirn, various locations
Until 21.8. 2022