Veronika Hauer: ENRICHMENT / Akademie Graz

13.10. – 11.11. 2022

Monkeys are man’s closest relatives. In her drawing series “M is for Monkeys”, Veronika Hauer examines our relationship to one another. And the closer the viewer of Hauer’s drawings can get to the monkeys, the more uncanny, unpredictable they appear. It’s an approximation of the Uncanny Valley. That acceptance gap that makes us shy away from too much human resemblance.

Hauer’s works seem to correspond equally to the humanity and wildness of the apes. In the melancholy of the looks on the one hand and the wildly exuberant movements on the other.

“The drawing of the monkeys preserves down to the microstructure what determines their character as the opposition between “culture” and “nature” and – as an interplay of script and event or of language and expression – has always been one of the basic problems of performative settings, which addresses Hauer, throughout her work, in changing formats but with the same clarity”, writes Ulrich Tragatschnig about Hauer’s work.

Veronika Hauer: ENRICHMENT / Akademie Graz
13.10. – 11.11. 2022
Graz, Neutorgasse 42