20.7. – 5.8.2023
Africa is just around the corner and the salsa embodies the attitude to life!
Also this summer, the musical world tour on Mariahilferplatz goes across the continents and across cultures: from the favelas of the South American mega-cities to New Orleans and further into the Levantine regions. It then returns via West Africa to the European metropolises, where dialect blues and chamber music jazz also get involved.
The Murszene Festival reflects the coexistence of cultures and generations with a colorful array of music. All this with free entry and a sensational program that will ensure a good atmosphere at Mariahilferplatz.
Programm 2023
20.07. Renato Borghetti Banda
21.07. Michaela Rabitsch- Souljazz
22.07. Modus Quartet
27.07. R. Wressnig & Soulgiftband feat. Rachelle Jeanty
28.07. Brazilian Jazz Unit
29.07. Adjiri Odamatey-EKLONKO
03.08. Styrian Klezmore Street Band
04.08. Alex Miksch Band
05.08. Seydou Taore & Ensemble Humanite
Concerts start at 8 p.m.
Murszene 2023
20.7. – 5.8.2023
Mariahilferplatz, Graz, Styria