30.09.2023 – 19.12.2023
Director Johannes Ender combines two plays by Nobel Prize winner Elfriede Jelinek to examine the causes, effects and dangers of right-wing ideology. Thus Elfriede Jelinek’s works “Wolken.Heim” and “Am Könisweg” were woven into one evening and complement each other.
“Am Königsweg” describes the rage of the despot. It describes the big world. The big world that constantly penetrates us via all channels, via television, newspapers, computers, telephones. It sounds: “The king, at last he is here!” – the “strong leader” for whom people have longed and long, all of whom operate with right-wing ideas. In “Wolken.Heim.” a “we” is formed that confirms itself in xenophobia and isolation and creates its identity by excluding the other.
Salzburger Landestheater
Schwarzstr. 22
5020 Salzburg