30.08.2024 – 12.01.2025
The exhibition shows the unique landscape and culture of Iceland through the eyes of renowned artist Therese Eisenmann. From 27 June to 27 October 2021, she spent an artist-in-residence stay in a studio at the NES Artist Residency in Skagaströnd and in a small house on the outskirts of Ísafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland, which resulted in an intensive artistic exploration of the island in the North Atlantic. For four months, she worked as an artist in residence in Iceland, fulfilling a lifelong dream and receiving significant financial support from OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH. The drawings and diary entries she made in Iceland, as well as the steel engravings and reworkings subsequently produced in her studio in the Mühlviertel, reflect her impressions and fascinating experiences of and in Iceland.
THERESE EISENMANN – ICELAND: The Wild, Chaotic and Unpredictable
30.08.2024 – 12.01.2025
Francisco Carolinum Linz
Museumsstraße 14
4020 Linz