19.09.2024 – 22.09.2024
The wordplay teaser lavender not only refers to further activities of the artist group bildkombinat bellevue from Salzburg, but also emphasizes the almost phenomenal powers of the aforementioned plant. In addition to its well-known effects, lavender will also be analysed for its suitability as an instrument for healing society as a whole – this will take place in a pseudo-scientific manner alongside an installative, artistic work. An analogy to the US Army’s posters for recruiting brothers in arms for the good cause cannot be denied. Trusted recommendations from esteemed figures play their part in the seduction.
Teaser lavender – Bildkombinat Bellevue
19.09.2024 – 22.09.2024
Ignaz-Harrer-Straße 38
5020 Salzburg