25.09.2024 – 24.10.2024
In her works, she distorts the content and aesthetics of mass media, rearranges the themes of the zeitgeist and uses humour to make the tensions between the individual and society visible. Particularly in her stage formats, such as ‘Late Night Group Therapy’, she involves scientists in an unusual and inspiring way. Interdisciplinarity has become a new focus in Schuda’s artistic practice in recent years. With this in mind, she completed a two-year training course to become a psychological counsellor and is currently training to become a mediator and conflict manager. With this background, she can also convey serious depth with her artistic figure Schudini The Sensitive – Therapist of the Collective Unconscious. In her solo presentation at Bildraum 07, Schuda will be showing the first results of her project ‘Praxis für politische Gefühle (Emotionen und Affekte)’. In this project, she combines artistic research and psychological counselling practice. The ‘PPG(EA)’ is a pop-up practice that first took place at the Volkskundemuseum as part of the Climate Activism Camp (as part of the Climate Biennale).
SUSANNE SCHUDA | Practice for Political Feelings (Emotions and Affects)
25.09.2024 – 24.10.2024
Bildraum 07
Burggasse 7-9
Vienna 7