Werner Kofler: From the Desk / Stifterhaus, Linz

until 12.06.2025The exhibition ‘Werner Kofler: From the Desk’ uses materials from the estate to attempt to capture a writing process in moments and visualise...

Kafka: Metamorphosis of an Author / Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv

until 15.06.2025 To mark the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, the National Library of Israel is displaying for the first time original pieces from...

The European Koran / Weltmuseum Vienna

until 24.08.2025 What role does the Holy Scripture of Islam, the Koran, play in the history of European ideas? How has it been read and...

peng ! 16. Krimi-Fest Salzburg / Literaturhaus Salzburg

14.11.2024 - 16.11.2024 Salzburg is once again under the sign of crime fiction. On three evenings in November, several authors will present their new releases...

Montforter Zwischentöne 2024 / various locations, Feldkirch

03.11.2024 – 04.12.2024 The anniversary of Montforter Zwischentöne brings a broad spectrum of music, philosophy and dialogue to Feldkirch. Under the artistic direction of Hans-Joachim...

Buch Wien – Fair and Festival 2024 / Messegelände & various locations, Vienna

20.11.2024 – 24.11.2024 In 2024, visitors with a thirst for reading can once again expect a linguistic firework display, literary experience and knowledge building. 511...

When sparks fly and pictures speak – bookolino 2024 / Literaturhaus Graz

07.11.2024 – 20.11.2024 bookolino, the literature festival for young audiences at the Literaturhaus Graz, is once again aiming to inspire children to read. A colourful...

Children’s culture week 2024 / Linz, various locations

09.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 The Children's Culture Week proves what Linz has to offer in terms of children's culture and presents a colourful programme in various...

Science meets Fiction Festival ’24: Future Intelligence / various locations, Salzburg

25.09.2024 – 09.10.2024 The Science meets Fiction Festival sees its task as bringing together concepts of the future and scientific findings. This year's motto is...

WIEDNERSTAND – Festival for Culture, Democracy and Discourse / various locations, Vienna

30.08.2024 – 01.09.2024 2024 is a super election year in Austria; elections that are characterized by a high degree of polarization. Based on the powerful,...


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