c Richard Eberle / Vorarlberg Museum

Vorarlberg Museum digital

Podcasts, audio and video tours, a digital reading corner, Daniela Egger's Corona diary and much more: The Vorarlberg Museum offers a comprehensive digital online...
„Ton in Ton“, Anna Bárbara Bonatto © Ela Grieshaber /Toihaus Theater Salzburg

BimBam – International Theater Festival for (Toddler) Children / Toihaus Theater, Salzburg

25.2. - 19.3.2023 The BimBam Festival is back in Salzburg! The audience can look forward to diverse international productions of contemporary theater for the youngest. These...

“The Beginning” / Albertina Modern

Opening on 27.05.2020.The Albertina opens its new location Albertina Modern on 27.05. with the exhibition "The Beginnung". It shows Austrian art between 1945 and...

Art House cinemas reopen / Austria

The time has finally come: the Art House cinemas will reopen on May 19. And you can look forward to a nice program, all...

Paul Neagu: The Retrospective / Neue Galerie, Graz

02.06. – 25.09.2022. The language of art is an understandable cross-cultural visual language! The BRUSEUM presents the first international retrospective of the Romanian-born artist Paul Neagu. Neagu...

“Herbert Meusburger” / Bregenz

14.07. – 16.09.2018; Vorarlberg. Herbert Meusburger Separate and connect – a recurring theme in the works of the sculptor. Not only in a symbolic sense but...

V:NM Festival / Volkshaus, Graz

18. – 21.08.2021. Here, musical experimentation is writ large: This August, the V:NM association is staging the Festival for New Music at the Volkshaus...

Mitmachen bei der Kunst Challenge #dubistkunst

ORF Culture and leading Austrian museums are calling for an Art Challenge: under the #dubist Art, anyone who wants to take part can "reenact"...

Bergfilmfestival 2021 / Das Kino, Salzburg

10. – 21.11.2021. Adventure Mountain - Adventure Film: The Bergfilmfestival comes to Das Kino in Salzburg. The program focuses on the main theme of...

Performancewoche / Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz

01. – 07.03.2022. Let the artist perform! In the context of the exhibition Hideout by Lavinia Lanner at the Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein a performance week with performances,...


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