“Elevate Festival – Truth” / Graz 2019

Kinga Toth ist ungarische Schriftstellerin und Performance Künstlerin. Sie beschäftigt sich mit den geschrieben, lautlichen und visuellen Textformen und macht aktiv Noise Musik. Aktuell lebt sie als “Stadtschreiberin” in Graz.

27.02. – 03.03.2019; Graz.
The “truth” and its many “scary” siblings.

The Elevate Festival for music, art and political discourse transforms Graz into a hotspot of young, contemporary festival culture. People from all over the world come together to exchange ideas, to dance, to marvel and to make plans for future-oriented projects. In and around the Schlossberg numerous concerts, art actions and conferences take place on five days. The star guest of this year’s festival is Pamela Anderson. Her socio-political activism of recent years has attracted much attention. As part of the Elevate opening in the Orpheum, she will report on her experiences.

Music – the quiet, the loud, the unheard of and the never heard.

The music program of the Elevate Festival in 2019 is as varied as ever. It combines modern music at the interface of techno-hedonism, free jazz, avant-garde rock and new music. Live concerts, audiovisual experiments, commissioned compositions and all sorts of electronic beats are the basic components on more than eight stages in and around Graz’s Schlossberg.
The line up to the festival can be found below.

Als international gefeierter DJ und Produzent ist der Deutsche Michael Mayer auf den Bühnen der Welt unterwegs.


The art area of the Elevate Festival in 2019 will be marked by the “Creative Europe Culture” project Re-Imagine Europe as well as a newly strengthened partnership with the Institute for Art in Public Space at the Universalmuseum Joanneum.

Behind Re-Imagine Europe lies a Europe-wide art production and presentation project, through which interdisciplinary festivals or contemporary art centers develop programs together. Since 2014, the Elevate team has been leading the development of this multi-year transnational art project.

„LIQUID TRUTH“ from the Berlin interactive studio schnellbuntebilder in cooperation with Knoth & Renner and the Elevate-Arts-Curator Berit Gilma is an Generative Data Sculpture at the Schlossberg in Graz, which shows the liquid tendencies of #truth and #fake.

„Playy.club“ the multi-day art happening of the artist collective kleft operating from Vienna is dedicated to the playful handling of truth. Out of the secret, mechanisms of a society based on knowledge and information will be reflected for several days.

Elevate ARTIST IN RESIDENCE – „HUMAN NATURE“,  by Re-Imagine Europe. “Human Nature” is a concept idea of the British filmmaker and visual artist Jeremy Carne. Berit Gilma: “The work reflects the fallibility of representation within a logical mechanism and the space that opens to autonomous creativity …”

At the IEM High Tech Fantasy Fair on Saturday, students from the Institute for Electronic Music and the Acoustics of the Kunstuni Graz will be showing multimedia sound installations inviting people to join in and try things.


With scientists, activists and representatives from business, the media and civil society, the internationally acclaimed conference on festivals pursues one of the most contested and at the same time fascinating terms of the knowledge society, the truth and its many secret siblings.

Laura Wiesböck ist eine österreichische Soziologin an der Universität Wien.

In addition to national actors such as the sociologist Laura Wiesböck, or Claudia Garád, who runs the Austrian branch of Wikipedia, are also international activists such as Nnimmo Bassey from Nigeria, environmentalists and poets, winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize “Right Livelihood Award”, and Srecko Horvat, Croatian philosopher and democracy activist at DiEM25.

Nnimmo Bassey kommt aus Nigeria und ist Umweltschützer und Poet sowie Träger des Alternativen Nobelpreises „Right Livelihood Award“.

The individual program days in the Forum Stadtpark are thematically broad:
The festival theme of truth in the spectrum of media, language and journalism as well as science, technology and art will be debated in the first two days.
Facts about right-wing extremism, terrorism and the shredding of files by state authorities are central topics on Elevate Saturday.
Finally, on Sunday, the topics of migration and the climate crisis will be discussed and discussed together.

Elevate Festival – Wahrheit 2019
27.02. – 03.03.2019
Various locations


Deena Abdelwahed / Pamela Anderson / Roxanna Baldrich / Nnimmo Bassey / Siegfried Beer Doro Blancke / Cornelia Böhnisch / Mathias Bröckers / Alba G. Corral / Judith Denkmayr Eva Fischer / Lee Gamble / Mahsa Ghafari / Clara Ginther / Mathis Hampel / Julia Herrnböck Srecko Horvat / Tomasz Konicz / Katharina König-Preuss / Ulla Kramar-Schmid / Julia Krüger Gregor Ladenhauf / Thomas Lohninger / Erich Moechel / Thomas Moser / Katharina Nocun Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez* / Andreas Peham / Peter Pilz / Paul Poet / Anneliese Rohrer Jan Skudlarek / Alexander Unzicker / Gaby Weber* / Laura Wiesböck / Uvm.
*via Videostream

27.02.-03.03.2019, Schlossberg, nachts

Künstlerinnen und Künstler: kleft + x + x
Zeitraum: 27.02.-03.03.2019
Verschiedene Orte im öffentlichen Raum

Künstler: Jeremy Carne
Dom im Berg / Tunnel

IEM High Tech Fantasy Fair
Künstler: Wolff & Stahl: Rect_0011 / Manhartsberger & Miltiadis: reset.discover / Christof Ressi: Game Over Jakob Glasner: Databar
Orpheum Extra


PARKHOUSE – 22.00 – 06.00
Grrrls DJ Crew (at) Carline / Top*S / Cat Gadget / Gasolina




ORPHEUM – 19:30 – 22:30presented by FM4Closing Concert