04.05. – 19.06.2019; Graz
How far can satire go? In his exhibition in Künstlerhaus Graz satirist Jahn Böhmermann analyzes the current political and social situation of Austria and Germany.
Referring to his former exhibition „DEUSCTHLAND” from 2017, the German satirist Jan Böhmermann adapts his art for Austria. In “Deuscthland#ASNCHLUSS #Östereich” he focuses on the Austrian identity and questions the political and societal progression of Austria in a humorous way. He uses photographs and installations to illuminate the past and the present with a lot of black humor and uses his political-provocative position to draw attention. The artist is known for his performances to test the art of satire to the pain threshold.
Deuscthland#ASNCHLUSS #Östereich
04.05. -19.06.2019
Künstlerhaus Graz
Burgring 2
8010 Graz