“Crossing over – Literature Festival, Kleinwalsertal” / Vorarlberg

Literaturfest @Justina Wilhelm

11.10.2019 – 13.10.2019; in Kleinwalsertal.
Rambling between words and valley.

The Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal invites to experience literature in unexpected places: a church, the swimming pool or in a bunker. At „Slam im Tal“, young po-ets compete for the audience’s favour and strive for their applause.

Only by crossing borders and topological obstacles the Walser migration was once possible. The same could be said for good literature. It also invites us to cross borders, first of all between reality and fiction, or in other words between reality and possibility. But also the relationship between the writers and the readers becomes blurred when the participants meet in the text to create their common history.

Überschreiten – Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal
various locations
11.10.2019 – 13.10.2019

The Programme:

Friday, 11. 10. 2019: Slam im Tal #8 – Spectacular kick-off

Saturday, 12. 10. 2019: Big brother: When is the line crossed? Theresa Hannig, Kriemhild Büchel-Kapeller and Raimund Löw, Host: Tommy Schmidle

Sunday, 13. 10. 2019: The way of stories, Get together
The literary testing of existential limits: Hans Platzgumer
Where the paths of tee and text cross: Daniela Egger, Soyu Mukai
Phantasy meets sense for reality: Jürgen-Thomas Ernst
Game Over or when addiction comes alive.  A schoolyard novel
From language to loss of language and back again: Verena Boos
Panorama Poetry: poetry battle between heaven and earth