“100% LINZ – 3D-Tour” / Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz

Kaleidoscope of a city. Experience the many facets of Linz in an interactive 3D-tour. With the exhibition 100% Linz - Kaleidoscope of a City, the...

Landesmuseum Linz – zooglogical-botanical database / Linz

The world of beetles online. The largest zoological and botanical database in Austria. A must-see for all people interested in natural history. Also of...

“Gernot Wieland” / Salzburger Kunstverein

> closed < 08.02.2020 - 19.04.2020; Salzburg. Filmmaker and artist Gernot Wieland at Salzburger Kunstverein. In his films, drawings, lecture performances and installations, the Austrian artist Gernot...

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