KHM online / Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien

The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna offers a comprehensive online service! In the online collection, works and treasures of the museum can be discovered. The Titian Room...

“HDA Graz online / Haus der Architektur Graz”

Also up-to-date in the second wave: Under the title HDAheim, the Haus der Architektur Graz now offers a virtual program with talks, food for...

Online exhibitions / Online 

Austrian International Culture has launched a new website: exhibitions, engl. online exhibitions. On this homepage, selected exhibitions of the Federal Ministry for European and...

Daniel Richter “So Long Daddy” / Villa Kast, Salzburg

06.06. until 18.07.2020 An exhibition entitled "So Long Daddy" at the Villa Kast in Salzburg is dedicated to the artist Daniel Richter, with new paintings...

The digital Museum / Technisches Museum, Vienna

The Technical Museum in Vienna has a wide range of digital and virtual access to the collection and the museum with different aspects. Knowledge: In the...

Mitmachen bei der Kunst Challenge #dubistkunst

ORF Culture and leading Austrian museums are calling for an Art Challenge: under the #dubist Art, anyone who wants to take part can "reenact"...

Call for Entries „#JapanRevisited202x: then – now – after“ / Kulturforum Tokio

Until 15.08.2020. The Cultural Forum Tokyo presents #JapanRevisited202x: then - now - after", a Call for Entries, which is open until 15.08.2020. The Austrian Cultural...

Digiwalk Creative Walk & Walk of Modern Art / Salzburg

The art project Creative Walk & Walk of Modern Art takes you to the most beautiful places in the old town of Salzburg and...

KULTUM Kulturzentrum Minoriten Graz – Virtual Tours

Art despite Corona.  According to the motto “Art despite Corona”, curator Johannes Rauchenberger leads through the empty Kultum exhibition rooms of the Minoriten Cultural...

MAK Wien Digital – The MAK online service

#MAKFROMHOME: Virtual tour, online collection and MAK LAB APP. An afternoon walk through the MAK? No problem. A virtual tour through the museum makes all...

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