Plamen Dejanoff, Foundation Requirements (Collaborations), 2015, © Plamen Dejanoff & Wolfgang Thaler, Foto: Wolfgang Thaler, Courtesy Layr Wien

Plamen Dejanoff – Heritage Project / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria

8.6. - 27.8.2023 Plamen Dejanoff's solo exhibition at the Kunsthaus Graz shows new works, precisely researched in terms of craftsmanship, which investigate a common European...
Der futuristischer Entwurf einer Megastadt im Jahr 2050, in der die gesamte Erdbevölkerung – 10 Milliarden Menschen – lebt. Filmstill  aus "Planet City" (2020) von Architekt und Regisseur Liam Young.

/IMAGINE: A Journey into The New Virtual / Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna

10.5. - 10.9.2023 Design techniques such as renderings and AI algorithms are becoming ever more popular. Computational tools have not only revolutionized the design process...
Modellfoto der Ausstellung im Werkraum Haus Andelsbuch, 2023 © Atelier Peter Zumthor

Architectural Models from the Atelier Peter Zumthor / Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Andelsbuch, Vorarlberg

until 16.9.2023 The exhibition shows architectural models by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor inside a building that he himself planned: the Werkraumhaus in Andelsbuch. The forty...
Das National Theatre London © Philip Vile

Big Opera – Much Theater? / Architekturhaus Salzburg

14.4. - 27.7.2023 The discussion about public stage constructions has been intense in many cities in recent years: The exhibition "BIG OPERA - MUCH THEATER"...
Wohnbau Carl-Spitzweg-Gasse, Volker Giercke / © Andrea Singer

Grazer Schule. Style & Value of a Phenomenon / HDA – Haus der Architektur,...

23.3. - 28.5.2023 Impressive cubatures, multi-faceted façades or refined details – the works of the "Grazer Schule (Graz School)" is still shaping the image of...
Seethalerhütte, Ramsau, Dachstein, Steiermark, 2019, dreiplus Architekten /  Turn On Partner: PREFA Aluminiumprodukte Foto: Croce & WIR

Architecture festival TURN ON 2023 / ORF Radio Kulturhaus, Vienna

2.3. - 4.3.2023 We are at a "turning point" - broken supply chains, energy shortages, high inflation, climate change as a constant major challenge. The...
Yasmeen Laris Zero-Carbon-Architektur: flutresistente Häuser in Selbstbauweise in Sindh, Pakistan, seit 2010 © Foto: Archiv Yasmeen Lari

Yasmeen Lari – Architecture for the Future / AzW, Vienna

9.3. - 16.8.2023 As Pakistan's first female architect, Yasmeen Lari designed iconic modernist buildings before founding a zero-carbon self-build movement for climate refugees and the...
100 Jahre Innviertler Künstlergilde, Foto:© Harald Mairböck

Spirit. Art. Life – 100 years Innviertler artist guild 1923 – 2023 / Schlossmuseum...

8.2. - 10.4.2023 The large anniversary exhibition shows a diverse picture of the current artistic creations of the members from the visual arts, but also...
Licht Punkt Strich, Foto: © Britta Nader / designforum Steiermark

Light Point Line – Architecture of Light and Shadow / designforum Steiermark, Graz

26.01.2023 – 24.02.2023 As part of the exhibition "Light Point Line" students of the Institute for Architecture and Media of the Technical University of Graz...
Wir Günther Domenig, © Wolfgang Thaler / kunsthaus muerz

WIR GÜNTHER DOMENIG. A Correction / kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag, Styria

22.10.2022  - 5.2.2023 The exhibition shows a fragmentary biography and genesis of Günther Domenig's work. To the public, Domenig staged himself as a figure of...


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