“Days of Architecture” / Wien 2018

08.06. – 09.06.2018; Wien. Architectur mooves. Film and moving images can make architecture come alive at various levels. This is demonstrated by a curated film and...

The Better Living Challenge in Kapstadt, South-Africa

The Better Living Challenge in Cape Town is a series of design-led projects that aim to improve living and housing conditions in Cape Town,...

Festival of Architecture TURN ON 2024 / Das MuTh in Wien

23.02.2024 – 24.02.2024 The topic of "turning point", which was the focus of the last festival, remains virulent. And yet key problems from the previous...

“Getting Things done” / Museum Vorarlberg

16.03.2019 - 05.05.2019 The exhibition gives an overview about the Vorarlberg building school's development, from beginning to present. The travelling exhibition about architecture and craftmanship in...

Graz: Architectural City Reloaded

Graz is probably counted among the cities with the largest density of architects – and for good reason. Graz has a luxury problem. Hardly any...

Visionary Spaces. Walter Pichler meets Friedrich Kiesler / Belvedere 21, Vienna

28.06.2024 – 06.10.2024 Two avant-gardists from different generations and disciplines - Frederick Kiesler (1890-1965) and Walter Pichler (1936-2012) - engage in a hypothetical dialogue in...

Karl Sillaber and the C4 Architects/ voralbergmuseum, Bregenz

03.07.2021 - 09.01.2022. How exemplary and forward-looking the spirit of optimism of Austrian architecture of the 1960s was is shown by this personale with...

Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg / VAI, Vorarlberg

03.10.2020 – 09.01.2021. In Vorarlberg, the "Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg" was awarded and the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut presents all submissions in an exhibition....

Breathe Earth Collective / MAK, Wien

04.05. – 16.05.2021. As part of the exhibition, the principles of climate culture are presented and made visible through drawn visions of a climate-positive...

Pandemic Waste: Der pandemische Abfall / Initiative Architektur, Salzburg

18.11.2021 – 28.01.2022. What a waste! Bazon Brock already noted that one can read the status of a society by its waste. But this is completely...


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