CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA 2024 / Graz, various locations

11.10.2024 – 19.10.2024 CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA has set itself the goal of focussing on the diversity of the creative industries and the services they offer....

Utilizing vacancies! – Opportunities for activating vacant properties in Vienna / AzW, Vienna

23.10.2024 – 27.11.2024 On three themed evenings, the series of events at WEST, Alte WU, will be dedicated to vacancies in residential buildings, ground floor...

‘FEZ‘24 – Festival for the development of the future’, Dornbirn, various locations

11.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 In today's world, it is more important than ever to deal with sustainability, resource conservation, etc. As part of Creative Week Austria,...

‘How’s it going, old people? – Creating spaces for the future together’/ afo –...

09.10.2024 – 13.12.2024 Housing is a basic need. Changes to the living situation due to external or age-related circumstances often become a challenge. Apart from...

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 24 / various locations, Vienna

20.09.2024 – 29.09.2024 Since its foundation, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has established itself as an integral part of the Viennese design landscape. Each year, a...

Europe’s best buildings / AzW, Vienna

03.10.2024 – 20.01.2025 Every two years, the ‘Europe's Best Buildings’ exhibition puts the spotlight on outstanding architectural projects from Europe, making it a magnet for...

BIOCLIMATIC ACTIONS – Resilient construction methods for a changing climate / HDA – Haus...

28.09.2024 – 19.01.2025 Climate change is being felt around the world: heatwaves, storms and floods are the consequences. In spring 2023 and 2024, the HDA...

Werner Feiersinger – Korzo / FOTOHOF, Salzburg

08.10.2024 – 29.11.2024 Korzo - under this title Werner Feiersinger, sculptor and photographer, shows photographs of utopian projects of industrial architecture and landscape design in...

From cutlery to prefabricated housing estate / AzW, Vienna

05.09.2024 – 04.11.2024 Die Ausstellung gibt, anlässlich des 100-jährigen Geburtstages von Carl Auböck und der Übernahme seines Nachlasses in die Sammlung des AzW, Einblicke in...

Under power – 100 years of energy from Vorarlberg/ vorarlberg museum, Bregenz, Vorarlberg

21.09..2024 -17.11.2024 The generation of electricity from hydropower has characterised Vorarlberg's recent history and is essential for the energy transition within the European network. To...


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