Georg Frauenschuh – Founder’s period / Elektrohalle Rhomberg, Salzburg

04.10.2024 – 13.11.2024 In his paintings, Salzburg-born artist Georg Frauenschuh confronts the viewer with discontinuous surfaces composed of various motifs and pictorial spaces. The Salzburg...

Three perspectives by Salzburg photographers: Body, Style and Sound – Alessa Grande, Catharina Füreder...

27.09.2024 - 09.11.2024 As part of the women's exhibition year ‘THROUGH HER LENS - Photographers in Focus’, the Leica Gallery is presenting an impressive group...

tanz_house Festival ’24 / Salzburg

08.10.2024 – 17.10.2024 The tanz_house Festival 2024 is here and once again it is a celebration of creativity. But not only that - it is...

IDENTITIES / kunstGarten, Graz

05.10.2024 – 09.03.2025 Defining the concept of identity is not easy. One variant is that the identity of each and every individual exists if the...

ÜBER.BLICK / Kunstforum Montafon, Vorarlberg

22.09.2024 – 20.10.2024 In 1999, 25 years ago, there was last an exhibition of the course instructors of the KunstforumsMontafon in the former Lodenfabrik. In...

Mathias Kessler – Pump it Up! / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria

07.10.2024 – 08.12.2024 With Pump it Up! media artist Mathias Kessler presents an interactive art project that playfully combines the themes of energy generation, sustainability...

Kirsten Borchert „alles neu“ / Regina Zachhalmel „No moral Tales / Eric Kressnig „von...

05.10.2024 – 17.11.2024 The Berufsvereinigung Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Vorarlbergs (BVKV) is starting after the summer break with four new exhibitions by national and international...

Peter Gerwin Hoffmann – Thou shalt kill / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria

02.10.024 – 10.11.2024 Peter Gerwin Hoffmann, an early representative of Austrian media art, has been working continuously in the electronic and social space for many...

Albana Ejupi, Dorothee Golz / Galerie, Salzburg

28.09.2024 – 23.11.2024 In an age dominated by digital worlds, Albana Ejupi and Dorothee Golz explore the profound nature of being in different ways. Albana...

‘ACT THREE’ – Points of View – Lower Austria/ Austrian Cultural Forum, Bratislava

until 23 October 2024 Presence and engagement in exchange with neighbouring countries are an important factor in art education. Two special projects have been realised...


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