FOTOHOF pop-up in the old Salzkammergut pharmacy / Gmunden, Upper Austria

30.06.2024–27.07.2024 During "Gmunden.Photo 2024", FOTOHOF will open a summer branch in the old pharmacy in Traungasse in addition to its main location in Salzburg and...

WILLIAM FORSYTHE – Choreographic Objects / MAK, Vienna

11.07.2024 – 18.08.2024 Several works by William Forsythe are at the centre of the MAK's cooperation with the ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival. With...

AUT NOW – 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century / MAK Vienna

18.09.2024 – 18.05.2025 The MAK exhibition AUT NOW. 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century provides a varied overview of the diversity and innovative...

Gmunden.Photo 2024 / Stadtgarten Gmunden & Kunsthaus Blaue Butter, Upper Austria

30.06.2024 – 28.07.2024 This year's edition of the outdoor photography festival is dedicated to the theme of "landscape": no other genre has experienced a...


09.08.2024 – 28.09.2024 The exhibition brings together artistic positions that use the body as a concrete tool to create narratives and images that defy clear...

Reading Time – Photographs and moving images by Donata Wenders / Leica Galerie, Salzburg

25.07.2024 – 21.09.2024 Donata Wenders' photographs have been published in books, international exhibitions and renowned magazines such as Rolling Stone, The New York Times and...

PARSA KHALILI | Constructions / Bildraum 07, Vienna

21.08.2024 – 18.09.2024 The Iranian-born architect and artist Parsa Khalili experiments with the perception of surface effects, formal transformations and spatial ambiguities in the disciplines...

EVERYONE’S STILLE / Akademie Graz, Styria

06.07.2024 – 26.07.2024 The gateway to the visible must be invisible, the gateway to the invisible must be visible, says Patty Smith.In line with this,...

Eva Grubinger – Pagans & Peacocks / Stadtgalerie Museumspavillon, Salzburg

27.06.2024 – 18.08.2024 Eva Grubinger's exhibition Pagans & Peacocks presents a series of sculptures in the former bird house of the Mirabell Gardens that are...

WASSER.KRAFT / Kunstforum Montafon, Vorarlberg

16.06.2024 – 09.08.2024 Sustainability, renewable energy sources, electromobility and smart grid technologies are just some of the buzzwords associated with hydropower. An exciting topic -...


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