Copy.Paste.Art – Oliver Laric

Native to Innsbruck, artist Oliver Laric, 34, is one of the most internationally acclaimed and discussed artists of his generation. His initial rise to fame...

“Kunsthaus Bregenz” / Vorarlberg

2017; Vorarlberg. Kunsthaus Bregenz. 20 years of Vorarlbergs horizon expansion: Kunsthaus Bregenz celebrates its anniversary The art business comes with quite a few sacrifices. When the newspaper...

“HÖHENRAUSCH” / Linz 2018

24.05. – 14.10.2018; Linz. All good things come from above. The Höhenrausch in Linz and the Element of Water. When a three-masted ship hovers high above...

Austrian Sculpture Park / Graz/Premstätten 2018

24.03. - 31.10.2018; Graz. Art under the open sky in the Austrian Sculpture Park. Curator Elisabeth Fiedler and her team will once again be offering a...

Anna Boghiguian / Museum der Moderne Salzburg

26.07. - 04.11.2018; Salzburg. Trade routes, slavery and the consequences on cotton sails. Sabine Breitwieser, curator of the exhibition, presents works of Anna Boghiguian. The Egyptian-Canadian...

“blühen.kunst.alles” / Botanischer Garten Linz

23.06. – 28.10.2018; Linz. Consciously placed artistic interventions in the Botanical Garden Linz expand the perception of nature Cultivated nature as an experimental space for students of...

“Shirin Neshat – women in the society” / Neue Galerie Graz

18.01. – 22.04.2018; Graz. Shirin Neshat and the discourse about the relationship between Orient and Occident in the Neue Galerie Graz. Curated by Holger Kuba Ventura and...

“Doaa El-Adl: A Woman’s World” / Schule des Ungehorsams, Linz

16.05.2019 - 30.10.2019; Linz. In merciless cartoons, the Egyptian cartoonist Doaa El-Adl focuses on women and their problems, breaking many a social taboo. The solo exhibition...

He Yunchang “Golden Sunshine” / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

12.10.2021 – 20.02.2022. The exhibition, curated by Ai Weiwei, shows works by the Chinese artist He Yunchang (*1967). Yunchang is considered a leading performance artist...

“Herbert Ploberger. In the field of tension between visual and applied art” / Landesgalerie...

07.02.2019 - 26.05.2019; Linz The life's work of the versatile artist Ploberger as a representative of visual and applied art will be illuminated in this...


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