AI TRAGEDY / esc medienkunstlabor, Graz, Styria

10.09.2024 – 13.09.2024 A thought experiment: How could such a power struggle be described today with regard to the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) as...

Andrew Phelps – Nature De-Luxe / off_gallery & raum, Graz

17.09.2024 – 17.10.2024 The camping trips in his youth were formative experiences for Andrew Phelps. ‘An experience in the wilderness had a lot to do...

Civa – Contemporary Immersive Virtual Art / Belvedere 21, Vienna

01.10.2024 – 02.02.2025 The Civa media art festival, jointly organized and developed by Belvedere 21 and sound:frame, sheds light on the interplay between current technologies,...

Hermann Nitsch – Drawings / BRUSEUM – Neue Galerie, Graz

25.10.2024 - 23.02.2025 With the drawings by Hermann Nitsch, the exhibition presents an aspect of his work that has often not received the attention it...

VIENNA FASHION WEEK 2024 / Museumquartier, Vienna

09.09.2024 – 14.09.2024 The VIENNA FASHION WEEK aims to establish itself as a central meeting point for fashion, design and art and offers designers an...

steirischer herbst 2024 – Horror Patriae / Graz, Styria

19.09.2024 – 13.10.2024 Nationalism - whether newly burgeoning, smouldering or never extinguished - continues to spread worldwide. Danger recognised, danger averted, you might think. In...

Design with a Purpose / CampusVäre Dornbirn

12.10.2024 – 12.12.2024 Design, i.e. the creation of products, plays a decisive role in the functioning of our consumer society. However, the work of designers...

Sophie Thun / Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum, Salzburg

04.10.2024 — 23.02.2025 Sophie Thun's photographic work resembles a stream of images of places and spaces in which the artist has worked and exhibited. She...

Birke Gorm – terms and conditions / Museumquartier, MQ Art Box, Vienna

05.09.2024 – 03.11.2024 Birke Gorm's artistic work is characterized by an intensive examination of materials, work and social structures. She uses simple, often rustic materials...

Aleksandra Domanović / Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna

05.09.2024 – 26.01.2025 In her work, Serbian-born Aleksandra Domanović focuses on the intersections between technology, history and culture and examines how these shape our understanding...


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