“People Images. New acquisitions of the federal photo collection “/ Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

06.04.2019 - 16.06.2019; The Rupertinum presents a selection of the latest acquisitions of the federal photo collection to the public. The new acquisitions of the federal...

“Sigalit Landau. Salt Years” / Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

06.07.2019 - 17.11.2019; The exhibition shows readymades from everyday objects baptized in the Dead Sea and a selection of the most important video works by...

“Asger Jorn. The printed work” / Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

23.03.2019 - 30.06.2019; Salzburg The Danish artist is one of the best-known representatives of European avant-garde. For the first time his extensive collection of prints...

“Fly me to the Moon. The Lunar Landing: 50 Years later.” / Museum der...

20.07.2019 - 03.11.2019; The exhibition deals with the history of the artistic exploration of the moon and its interpretation since Galileo Galilei. July 21, 2019, will...

“Sun stop” Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

06.04.2019 - 16.06.2019 The film "Sun stop!", developed by the writer Konrad Bayer (1932 - 1964) and filmmaker Freddy Radax (1932), is at the centre...

“LASSNIG – RAINER The Early Work” / LENTOS Linz

01.02. – 19.05.2019; Linz. Artistic approaches and individual forms of expression. Maria Lassnig and Arnulf Rainer are among Austria's most successful artists. Lassnig would celebrate her...

“Thomas Schütte” / Kunsthaus Bregenz, Vorarlberg

13.07.2019 - 06.10.2019, Vorarlberg, The art of Thomas Schütte, presented at Kunsthaus Bregenz and various public spaces in Bregenz. In addition to contemporary sculpture, the German...

“Ed Atkins” / Kunsthaus Bregenz

19.01. - 31.03.2019; Produced exclusively using CGI, everything in Atkins’ exhibition is understood as fake — nostalgia, history, progress, authentic life, identity. Ed Atkins is an...

“Lisette Model | Diane Arbus | Nan Goldin” / WestLicht Schauplatz für Fotografie, Wien

06.12.2018 – 03.03.2019; Wien. Model, Arbus, Goldin, three photographers with an eye for the certain moment in humans life. With the help of Lisette Model, Diane...

“Stuart Middleton: Motivation and Personality” / Künstlerhaus Graz

08.12.2018 – 20.01.2018; Graz. Spatial installation on the history of the psychologization of education and its forms of presentation. Stuart Middleton works interdisciplinary and site-specific. His...


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