“Koloman Moser” / MAK Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, Wien

19.12.2018 – 22.04.2019; Wien. An universal artist between Gustav Klimt and Josef Hoffmann. Koloman Moser, co-founder of the vienna Secession, and one of the leading representatives of...

“Kunstraum Steiermark 2018” / Neue Galerie Graz

07.12.2018 – 17.03.2019; Graz. Art with future potential: The Neue Galerie Graz presents works by art scholarship holders from the province of styria. The Cultural Resort...

“Stuart Middleton: Motivation and Personality” / Künstlerhaus Graz

08.12.2018 - 20.01.2018; Graz. Spatial installation on the history of the psychologization of education and its forms of presentation. Stuart Middleton works interdisciplinary and site-specific. His...

“Designmonat” / Graz 2019

10.05. – 09.06.2019; Graz Gender - Design - Power. Female, male, neuter: Does gender specific design exist? The Design Month Graz examines social constructs. Conditioning still...

“International Summer Academy for Theatre ” / Graz 2019

04.08.2019 – 24.08.2019; Graz Do-it-yourself culture. The International Summer Academy for Theatre creates space for experimentation. Year after year the international summer academy for theatre attracts...

“Ahoi! Pop Summer 2019” / Posthof, Linz

13.07.2019; Linz. Großes Bilderbuch-Homecoming mit ihrem aktuellsten Album "Vernissage my Heart". Back to the roots come Bilderbuch when they share the stage with Yung Hurn and...

“12. Literaturfest” / Salzburg

22.05. – 26.05.2019; Salzburg Doing something with language. Read and played literature at Salzburg's literature festival. Literary figures, spoken word performers and music acts gather in...

“queerograd” – ZUHÖREN / KiG! Kultur in Graz

25.10. – 27.10. 2018; Graz. When listening becomes an ordeal. The festival queerograd at KIG! Kultur in Graz challenges the art of listening with 3 days...

“PrivacyWeek – generations” / Volkskundemuseum Wien 2018

22. – 28.10.2018; Wien. The right to privacy is a fundamental human right A right which is eroding continually. A few years ago Chaos Computer Club Wien,...

“Bezau Beatz 2019” / Bezau, Vorarlberg

08.08. – 10.08.2019; Vorarlberg. Birds chirping, brooks whispering and no quiet sounds at all. Music connects. Big music in the middle of a small village. The...


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