Linz International Short Film Festival / Linz

12. - 15.11.2020. The Linz International Short Film Festival will take place - online. The thematic focus of the festival is on diversity and...

Vienna Shorts 2021 / Wien

VIENNA SHORTS: 27.05. – 01.06.2021. THIS IS SHORT: 01.04. - 30.06.2021After last year's hybrid festival experience, Vienna Shorts decided to found an online platform...

Mural Walk Tour / Mural Harbor, Linz

06. / 13. / 20. / 27.03.2021. The Mural Harbor in Linz offers a guided Mural Walk Tour every Saturday in March. The tour...

„Der Angriff auf die Gegenwart“ / Universitätsgalerie im Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Wien

11.11.2020 – 23.01.2021. The Angewandte shows work on the topic of prospects for post growth. The conditions under which this exhibition is taking place...

Internationale Sommerakademie für Theater / Graz 2020

09. - 29.08.2020. The International Summer Academy for Theatre will take place: from 09 to 29 August 2020 theatre lovers and potential performers will meet...

Wir sind lesenswert / Café Kork, Graz

08.11.2020. Two students from Graz - Lisa and Tamara - have initiated a reading competition that will culminate in a reading evening on November...

Lehen sehen / Stadtgalerie Lehen, Salzburg

from 24.03.2021. The Stadtgalerie Lehen, the Fotohof and the Galerie Eboran jointly invite you to a gallery walk through the neighborhood. Under the motto...

Leon Kahane “Les Drancéens” / Traklhaus, Salzburg

19.07. - 28.08.2021. The exhibition "Les Drancéens" shows the history of the "Citè de la Muette". In the early 1930s, the modernist apartment block...

Bianca Baldi „Cameo“ / Grazer Kunstverein

16.04. – 13.06.2021. Works by the artist Bianca Baldi will be exhibited at the Grazer Kunstverein. In her artistic work, Baldi deals with the...

Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg / VAI, Vorarlberg

03.10.2020 – 09.01.2021. In Vorarlberg, the "Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg" was awarded and the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut presents all submissions in an exhibition....


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