Proof of Art / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

10.06. – 15.09.2021. NFTs are the new hype in the art world. Digital artworks made forgery-proof by blockchain technology. An exhibition at the Francisco...

Milo Rau „Everywoman“ / Salzburger Festspiele

19. - 28.08.2020 The Salzburg Festival is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Throughout this century, one theater play has remained the central constant of...

“Friends and Friends of Friends” / Schlossmuseum Linz

Reopening 08.12.2020 until 06.01.2021. Artistic communities once depended on face-to-face meetings and discussions. Artists shared studios, went on joint excursions, formulated programs with specific...

Mitmachen bei der Kunst Challenge #dubistkunst

ORF Culture and leading Austrian museums are calling for an Art Challenge: under the #dubist Art, anyone who wants to take part can "reenact"...

„Europas beste Bauten“ Mies van der Rohe Award / AzW, Wien

30.07. - 12.10.2020. An exhibition entitled "Europas beste Bauten", which focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe, starts on 30.07. at the Architekturzentrum AzW...

Chiala Afrika Festival ’21 / Graz

20 - 22.08.2021. Experience the whole world of Africa, with music, food & a bazaar. Performances and live acts by international artists, an extensive...

Tatiana Bilbao Estudio / AZW, Wien

19.08.21 – 17.01.2022. Carried by poetry: the AZW presents for the first time in Austria the working methods and philosophy of the Mexican architect...

Call for Entries „#JapanRevisited202x: then – now – after“ / Kulturforum Tokio

Until 15.08.2020. The Cultural Forum Tokyo presents #JapanRevisited202x: then - now - after", a Call for Entries, which is open until 15.08.2020. The Austrian Cultural...

Chiala Afrika Festival 2020 / Augartenpark Graz

03. - 05.07.2020.From July 03rd it's time again: the Chiala Africa Festival brings two days, until July 05th - Africa to Graz. A lot...

Vienna Biennale ’21: Planet Love – Art and design operate Climate Care

28.05 - 03.10.2021. A look back shows the long- term damage in the now. “Active hope” counters the Vienna Biennale and calls for microrevolutions.  „If we...


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