“3-D um 1930. Der Fotograf Norbert Bertolini” / vorarlberg museum Bregenz

17.02. – 15.04.2018; Bregenz. Three-dimensional view of the local civil society around 1930. This exhibition, curated by Kathrin Dünser, shows Norbert Bertolini's (1899-1982) photographs, which adress...

“KUB Billboards 2018” / Bregenz

16.02. - 22.04.2018; Bregenz. Alternative awareness, new Image types and current questions. Four Artist exhibit a series consisting seven artworks along "Bregenzer Seestraße" - the busiest...

“David Claerbout” / Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Bregenz

14.07. – 07.10.2018; Vorarlberg. Wahrnehmung in extrem verlangsamten Bildsequenzen. Über Fotografie, Film, Ton, Zeichnung und digitale Medien vermittelt der belgische Künstler David Claerbout den Besuchern gegenüber das Bestreben,...

“Bregenzer Frühling 2018” – Dance Festival

11.03.- 02.06.2018; Bregenz. Dance, Cinema, Music, Theater and it's blurred boundaries.  The dance festival "Bregenzer Frühling" brings a series of exciting and innovative productions to Lake...

“Dynamo Festival” / spielboden Dornbirn 2018

05.04. – 07.04.2018; Dornbirn. Live from the rooftop. The Dynamo Festival takes place for the forth time. In terms of style, the organizers rely on variety...

“Emsiana” Cultural Festival / Hohenems 2018

17.05. - 20.05.2018; Hohenems. "Fulness and Emptiness". In 2018, the cultural festival in Hohenems again recalls the past and thereby builds a bridge to the present....

“tanz ist” / Dornbirn 2018

07.06. - 17.06.2018; Dornbirn. Experience international dance. Since 1998 the „Spielboden” has been the venue of different activities from the association “tanz ist” which was...

“poolbar” – music festival / Feldkirch 2018

06.07. – 14.08.2018; Feldkirch. From niche to pop: cultural entertainment for six weeks. Energetic electropop, smooth R‘n’B sounds and Hip-Hop will again be seen, heard and...

“33. Alpinale” short film festival / Nenzing 2018

07.08. – 11.08.2018; Nenzing. Competition for the "golden unicorn". The festival director Manuela Mylonas and her team invite you again to watch the 33 nominated movies...

“FAQ Bregenzerwald” / Vorarlberg 2018

06.09 – 09.09.2018; Bregenzerwald. FAQ – Bregenzerwald is a forum in festival-style that caters to gourmands’ needs and deals with “Frequently Asked Questions”. Ongoing changes give...