“ganz KONKRET” / QuadrART Dornbirn

Die Arbeiten der Vorarlberger Künstlerin Ilse Aberer folgen dem Goldenen Schnitt und eröffnen neue Seherlebnisse für den Betrachter.

> closed <
15.02.2020 – 13.05.2020; Vorarlberg.
Concrete art by international artists at QuadrART Dornbirn.

The “Concrete Art” describes in the sense of a factual, verifiable and correct art. Such concrete art works do not represent real situations or objects in a certain style. They represent thoughts transferred into works of art, are products of logical thinking and created with the help of human spirit. Concrete art is independent of any trend and remains logical and verifiable for all time.

The exhibition at QuadrART Dornbirn shows concrete works by international artists, mainly created in the last ten years. With paintings, sculptures and pictures, which can all be assigned to the genre of concrete art.

Participating artists: Hungarian Laszlo Otto, Ingo Glass, Gisela Hoffmann, Ilse Aberer, Werner Dorsch, Gerhard Hotter, Martin Vosswinkel, Vesna Kovacic, Edgar Diehl, Rolf Schneebeli, Michel Jouet and Waltraut Cooper

15.02.2020 – 13.05.2020
Sebastianstraße 9
6850 Dornbirn