Hör & Seebühne 2020 / Graz

(c) ORF Hör & Seebühne / Valerie Fritsch, Son of a Velvet Rat

09.07. – 27.08.2020.

From 09.07. to 27.08.2020 the literature and music festival “Hör & Seebühne” 2020 will take place at the Funkhausteich in good weather. In bad weather the event will be streamed.

At this year’s edition of the “Hör & Seebühne”, both established and young writers will present their new publications or read from as yet unpublished texts; excellent musicians will provide the sonorous accompaniment. One evening is dedicated to the late literary doyen Alfred Kolleritsch.

This year’s participants are Valerie Fritsch, Thomas Antonic, Irene Diwiak, V. Hapeyeva, Wilhelm Hengstler, Birgit Pölzl and N. Gangl. Musical support is provided by Son of a Velvet Rat, Martin Moro, Feel, Bauernsommer, Maria Gstättner & Stefan Heckel and some more.

09.07. Valerie Fritsch / Son of a Velvet Rat
16.07. In memoriam Alfred Kollertisch / Martin Moro
23.07. Thomas Antonic / Michael Fischer
30.07. Irene Diwiak / Tjaša Fabjančič Miniature/n
06.08. V. Hapeyeva / Patrick Dunst
13.08. Wilhelm Hengstler / Feel
20.08. Birgit Pölzl / Bauernsommer
27.08. Natascha Gangl / Maria Gstättner & Stefan Heckel

Program & bad weather link for the stream


Hör & Seebühne 2020
09.07. – 27.08.2020
Marburger Str. 20
8042 Graz