Cirque Noël / Orpheum, Graz

(c) Barcode Circus Company. Cirque Noel 2021. Foto: Jan Hromadko.

25.12.2021 – 06.01.2022.

Christmas – time of silence! What a hustle and bustle!

At Cirque Noël, you can find a place where you can escape the ring of everyday life for a few hours, engage in new thoughts, be enchanted and inspired.

This year, two groups of artists offer the space to shift perspectives and make you forget for a while the supposed dramas of the days gone by or to come.

With “Feste”, the Flöz family illuminates the dark side behind the festivals of lights. In a humorous way, it shows the view behind the scenes. What has to be endured, worked for and hidden so that it glitters and shines beautifully in front.

Things get turbulent at Sweat & Ink of the Barcode Circus Company. Christmas or not! The four artists deal with the question of whether the perfect memory leads to bliss or whether this is the result of struggling with the challenges of life.

Cirque Noël
25.12.2021 – 06.01.2022
Orpheumgasse 8
8020 Graz