Villa Claudia: Best of Ursula Dorigo – Painting, photography, objects 1982–2022 / Vorarlberg

10.09. – 09.10. 2022

The Vorarlberg painter Ursula Dorigo is known for her playful approach to painting. Villa Claudia is devoting a retrospective to the Vorarlberg artist, who is celebrating her eightieth birthday this year, covering more than four decades of her artistic work.

For Dorigo, spontaneous experience was usually the impulse for her work. Her drawings, her paintings and also her photographic works are correspondingly varied and playful.

Best of Ursula Dorigo – Malerei, Fotografie, Objekte 1982–2022
10.09. – 09.10. 2022
Feldkirch: Bildraum Forum für aktuelle Kunst / Villa Claudia