2.6. – 17.9.2023
The Slovak artist Jana Želibská has been an important voice in the conceptually and performatively oriented independent art scene in Slovakia since the 1960s.
In her early installations from the late 1960s, she acts as an emancipated woman full of life, confidently addressing erotic desire and sweeping aside patriarchal structures. She plays with the desire to see the intimate parts of the female body. Installations and paintings from this period have been shown internationally in a few group exhibitions.
The Francisco Carolinum Linz presents for the first time outside Slovakia a concentrated insight into the entire work of this exceptional artist.
Curated by Nathalie Hoyos and Rainald Schumacher in collaboration with Lucia Gregorová Stach – Chief Curator Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, Slovak National Gallery.
Jana Želibská – Discovery of Possibility
2.6. – 17.9.2023
Francisco Carolinum Linz
Museumsstraße 14
4020 Linz