13.02.2024 – 21.03.2024
Pataphysics is traditionally regarded as a completely absurd science, as a science that is basically not a science – a science gone mad, a mad science.
And yet, in times when fact and fiction are becoming increasingly mixed up, mingling and mating, it is not so clear whether modern science itself is not a little mad. Science, like everything that exists, can basically only be relative. No argumentation can be seamless, no knowledge absolute. Basically, this means that science and pataphysics cannot be separated from each other as clearly as is classically thought, indeed that science is always to some extent pataphysics and vice versa.
This is the research field of the Pegasus Institute for Pataphysics. As an institute for hantological pataphysics, it sees its task as the theoretical and practical investigation of actual and potential realities in order to document the diversity and eccentricity of the world.
The exhibition at esc reports on the research activities of the institute since its foundation in 2013, with contributions by Jürgen Berlakovich, Bibiane Blauensteiner, Martin Brandlmayr, Peter Brandlmayr, Johannes Felder, Gerald Freimuth, Christoph Gstrein, Daniel Jarosch, Marko Lipuš, Karl-Heinz Machat, Martina Moro, Maurizio Nardo, Ekehardt Rainalter, Lena Ures, Hannah Wörz and Fränk Zimmer.
The Pegasus Institute for Pataphysics (PIP) as a guest at esc
13.02.2024 – 21.03.2024
esc medienkunstlabor
Bürgergasse 5, 8010 Graz