c Karl Neubacher / steirischer herbst

steirischer herbst – Video- & Online Archive

"No apocalypse not now" is the titel of a performance, that can be seen among many other videos in the video archive of steirischer...

Wien Museum online

The Wien Museum has digitized a stock of 47,000 objects and now makes them available online. A virtual visit is thus possible and provides...

Haus des Meeres Livestream / Haus des Meeres, Wien

It is not for nothing that the Haus des Meeres is so popular with families with children. The museum in the 6th district of...

Digiwalk Creative Walk & Walk of Modern Art / Salzburg

The art project Creative Walk & Walk of Modern Art takes you to the most beautiful places in the old town of Salzburg and...
c Richard Eberle / Vorarlberg Museum

Vorarlberg Museum digital

Podcasts, audio and video tours, a digital reading corner, Daniela Egger's Corona diary and much more: The Vorarlberg Museum offers a comprehensive digital online...

WINTER­GRÜN Online / Oberösterreichische Landesmuseen Online, Linz

01. – 24.12.2021. Festive times call for festive creativity! Due to the current situation, the planned Christmas exhibition at the Schlossmuseum Linz has been adapted thematically...

Wien Museum collects Corona Memorabilia / Vienna

How will future generations know what the Corona crisis meant for Vienna? Digital formats come and go - objects outlast. That is why the...

Nesterval “The Kreisky Test” online / Brut Wien

The performance group Nesterval has unceremoniously moved its last piece to the Internet. Via zoom, the viewer can take part in the mysterious story...

Wilhelm Thöny online / Galerie Welz, Salzburg

Founded in 1934, the gallery shows works by the Austrian painter Wilhelm Thöny, to whom a large retrospective at the Museum der Moderne in...

“Performance Homework” / Kunsthaus Graz

In the context of an online exhibition the Kunsthaus Graz shows "Performance Homework" by Michikazu Matsune. Since the current situation makes art enjoyment limited...

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