Vienna Art Week digital / Wien

13. – 20.11.2020. This year's Vienna Art Week focuses on artists working in Vienna and the city's educational institutions. This year's motto "Living Rituals"...

KHM Online / KHM, Wien

Of course the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna also has an attractive online offer. First of all you can browse through the online collection. A...

Degrowth Vienna / Onlineconference

29.05. until 01.06.2020Degrowth Vienna is an online conference that will take place from 29.05. to 01.06.2020. The conference is dedicated to research on strategies...

Ausnahmegespräche online / Hauptverband des Österreich. Buchhandels

The Federation of Austrian Booksellers has recorded a series of talks with female authors on video and presents them on its website. Due to...

Creative Days Vienna / Wien, online

05. + 06.05.2021.Creative Days Vienna will bring together creative professionals at a digital event in Vienna on May 5 and 6, 2021. The participants...

Online Talk „Listening Pauses“ / Online 

25.06.2020, 16-17.30Uhr The association Kulturen in Bewegung invites you to an online talk entitled "Listening Pauses". Guests are Jaider Esbell, Jumoke Sanwo and Negin Rezaie. Current...

Open Salon, Open Austria / Online

Open Austria, the innovation office of the Austrian Foreign Ministry and the Chamber of Commerce in Silicon Valley, has created a virtual live discussion...

Elfriede Jelinek: Art.Politics.Morality / Kulturforum Warschau

On the website of the Inter-University Research Network Elfriede Jelinek of the University of Vienna and the Music and Art Private University Vienna as...

Black Lives Matter und antirassistischer Widerstand: Zwischen Islam-Landkarte und Black-Voices / Online

09.12.2021. In this lecture, Mireille Ngosso ( politician and activist), Tyma Kraitt (journalist and author), Ali Rami (social scientist), Noomi Anyanwu (Black voices Volksbegehren) and...

CountryTalks – Online Discussion Series /HDA, Graz

03.11.2020. The exhibition "CountryLife – Recent strategies for tomorrow’s rural living" is accompanied by the CountryTalks. People are migrating from rural areas to the cities,...

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