Elfriede Jelinek: Art.Politics.Morality / Kulturforum Warschau

On the website of the Inter-University Research Network Elfriede Jelinek of the University of Vienna and the Music and Art Private University Vienna as...

Online curator tour through the exhibition “Günter Brus und Alfons Schilling um 1960” /...

02.12.2021. Roman Grabner leads via Zoom conference through the current exhibition "Günter Brus and Alfons Schilling around 1960". The Zoom link can be found on the...

Cinema Next Breakfast Club @ Youki / Oberöstereich

21.11.2020, 11.00 – 12.00Uhr. The Cinema Next Breakfast Club - known from the Diagonale - will this time take place at the Youth Media...

Österreichs Handlungsoptionen zur Umsetzung der UN-Agenda 2030 für eine lebenswerte Zukunft / Universität für...

02.12.2021. Over the past 3 years, the Uninetz project has developed around 150 options for action and over 1000 measures for implementing the 2030 Agenda...

Daniel Wisser Reading / Online

The Austrian Cultural Forum Sarajevo organised a reading by the Austrian writer Daniel Wisser, which has been available on the Facebook page of the...
c Theater im Bahnhof

Theater im Bahnhof Graz – Ausnahmezustand online

30.04.2020 TO GUEST - An online talk show with Pia Hierzegger and interlude music by Lorenz Kabas from the home studio Guests are SAHAR...

#voicesfrom Online Talk: Listening Pauses #2

25.11.2020. A talk format from kulturen in bewegung. The artist and activist Katu Mirim, the Collectivo Trenza and the Collective Anti-colonial Interventions will conduct a...

Schauspielhaus Graz Online / #drama at home

Schauspielhaus times 2.  With two quarantine programs, the Schauspielhaus shortens the waiting time until the stages can be used again. Under the motto #bestofschauspielhaus you...

Region am Donnerstag / Online Diskussionsreihe

19./26. November und 03. Dezember 2020, 18:00Uhr.   "Region am Donnerstag" is an online discussion series that invites you to participate in the design of...

„Through the Pen of Others: 19th Century Views of Revolutionary Greece“ / Austrian Embassy...

08. – 11.12.2021. The Faculty of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrias University of Athens, in the framework of the 200th anniversary since the beginning...

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