KHM online / Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien

The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna offers a comprehensive online service! In the online collection, works and treasures of the museum can be discovered. The Titian Room...

The digital Museum / Technisches Museum, Vienna

The Technical Museum in Vienna has a wide range of digital and virtual access to the collection and the museum with different aspects. Knowledge: In the...

Burgtheater auf YouTube / Online

My Home is my Burgtheater: Of course the Burgtheater also has a quarantine program and welcomes its audience via YouTube with short videos. The Burgtheater...

Talk with Marlies Pöschl / Online

22.06.2020, 18.00Uhr The Artist Talk on 22 June at 6 p.m. offers the opportunity for an online meeting with Marlies Pöschl, whose works, together with...

OÖLKG digital / Oberösterreichische Landesmuseen, Linz

The new online presence of the Upper Austrian Provincial Museums demonstrates how museums and their contents can be presented on the Internet. With the currently...

Online curator tour through the exhibition “Günter Brus und Alfons Schilling um 1960” /...

02.12.2021. Roman Grabner leads via Zoom conference through the current exhibition "Günter Brus and Alfons Schilling around 1960". The Zoom link can be found on the...


International online cultural projects of Austrian international culture. The Corona crisis has made our world small. Shutdowns, border closures and the extensive suspension of international...

HdA online / Graz

Under the title HDAheim, the House of Architecture in Graz now regularly offers a virtual program with food for thought, reading tips and previously...

Kultur inklusiv / Graz Kulturjahr 2020

01.12.2020 - 28.05.2021. Theme days Music and Inclusion. There are many invisible barriers in the culture industry that lock out people with disabilities, preventing them...

Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis 2020 / Online

Ab 17.06.2020 The Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2020 will take place exclusively online. On Wednesday, 17.06., the 44th German-Language Literature Days were opened, during which the...

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