Azra Akšamija – Sanctuary / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria

05.07.2024 – 06.10.2024 In a search for traces of the conditions and possibilities of agreement, for signs and places of human coexistence, the artist and...

Gmunden.Photo 2024 / Stadtgarten Gmunden & Kunsthaus Blaue Butter, Upper Austria

30.06.2024 – 28.07.2024 This year's edition of the outdoor photography festival is dedicated to the theme of "landscape": no other genre has experienced a...

Suschitzky Prize 2023 / FOTOHOF, Salzburg

05.04.2024 – 01.06.2024 The theme of the prize was "Im Augenblick gefangen / Capturing the Moment". The Austrian Cultural Forum London established the prize in...

My advice for life / Wien Museum MUSA

09.05.20224 – 15.09.2024 They are often labelled as a vulnerable group and often not given much attention - older people. But they offer a wealth...

Curtis Cuffie’s New York City / Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Styria

06.04.2024 – 01.06.2024 Curtis Cuffie was an artist who lived in the East Village of New York City. Originally from Hartsville, South Carolina, he moved...

WILLIAM FORSYTHE – Choreographic Objects / MAK, Vienna

11.07.2024 – 18.08.2024 Several works by William Forsythe are at the centre of the MAK's cooperation with the ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival. With...

AUFMÖBELN! – Painted furniture from Upper Austria / Sumerauerhof St. Florian, Upper Austria

28.04.2024 – 27.10.2024 Old furniture is currently experiencing a renaissance. "Aufmöbeln!" stands for the discovery of regional history and the contemporary presentation of so-called farmhouse...

EVERYONE’S STILLE / Akademie Graz, Styria

06.07.2024 – 26.07.2024 The gateway to the visible must be invisible, the gateway to the invisible must be visible, says Patty Smith.In line with this,...

Karl-Heinz Wörndl – Impressive Nature – Mysterious Portraits / Galerie artforum, Salzburg

21.06.2024 – 13.07.2024 In the current exhibition at the artforum gallery, Karl-Heinz Wörndl presents his works - pictures of natural landscapes, views of the universe,...

Tony Cragg – New Sculptures / Villa Kast, Salzburg

21.03.2024 – 11.05.2024 Cragg's abstract sculptures reveal completely unexpected forms that nevertheless evoke a sense of recognition as they reference the world around us. The...


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