Kaleidoscope / esc medienkunstlabor, Graz

24.01.2025 – 28.01.2025For five days, esc medienkunstlabor offers the opportunity to have a look at the final showcase ‘Kaleidoscope’ by students of the Communication,...

SilvrettAtelier Montafon 2024 / Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis Bregenz

18.01.2025 – 02.03.2025 The mountain world of the Montafon Silvretta is not just breathtaking nature, it also provides the setting for an art project. Artists...

Hans Haacke – Retrospective / Belvedere 21, Vienna

01.03.2025 – 09.06.2025The Belvedere 21 is honouring Hans Haacke, the legend of political conceptual art, with a comprehensive retrospective. As a founding figure of...

Christian Murzek / eborangalerie, Salzburg

07.11.2024 – 29.11.2024 Time plays an essential role in Christian Murzek's work. The computer-generated patterns that he selects and saves as an archive are ultimately...

Freeing the Voices / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria

28.02.2025 – 24.08.2025 A scream, the scream of Marina Abramović - that is, of a human being - is the beginning of the exhibition Freeing...

Ragnar Axelsson – „Arctic Heroes“ / Leica Galerie, Salzburg

05.02.2025 - 05.04.2025 The exhibition is a tribute to the sled dogs, who for Axelsson are the true heroes of the north. His photographs show...

WERNER REITERER – The Mind Hacker / Schlossmuseum Linz

26.02.2025 – 22.06.2025 The interventions of Graz-born Werner Reiterer are both unexpected and irritating, as well as humorously ironic. When historical wooden sculptures of saints...

Christoph Kilian – Between Lilies / Stadtgalerie Lehen, Salzburg

12.12.2024 - 17.01.2025The audience walks between lilies through the shallow water of a basin that characterizes the space. Electronic components have been added to...

Caroline Mesquita: Verdet Bath / HALLE FÜR KUNST, Graz, Styria

07.12.2024–23.02.2025 Caroline Mesquita's work includes sculptures, murals, large-scale installations with integral architectural elements, as well as film and video works. She creates sculptural works from...

The Angry Bat / FOTOHOF, Salzburg

03.12.2024 – 27.02.2025 The Slovenian publishing house The Angry Bat is at the centre of the sixth edition of the exhibition series ‘Publishers as Guests’....


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